December 9, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times/Melanie Sturm "America's ‘Tebows' await their start"

One of The Valley's most respected conservative opinion columnists, Melanie Sturm with a good column on changes America could make immediately to help boost the economy.

Wonder who Sturm is supporting in the presidential races?

"...As improbable as the moniker “Tim Tebow, starting NFL quarterback” once seemed, the U.S. economy, like Tebow, is showing signs of resurgence.

News that the U.S. unemployment rate fell from 9.0 to 8.6 percent in November (though due largely to job seekers exiting the market) is as surprising as Tebow's 6-1 record since becoming the starter. His late-fourth-quarter magic and four come-from-behind victories earned Tebow his teammates' trust, his coaches' confidence and the adoration of Broncos fans.

If only America's private-sector “quarterbacks” were liberated to call their own plays and scramble like an unleashed Tebow, America could win the economic equivalent of the Super Bowl — GDP growth of 4.5 percent and unemployment of 6 percent. If you expect politicians to renounce micromanagement of the U.S. economy as NFL cognoscenti have stopped proclaiming Tebow an NFL bust, Think Again.

If politicians were as wise as Tebow's coach, they'd formulate strategies to get business owners off the sidelines...."
(Melanie Sturm"

(Read more?  Click title.  Comment to discuss)


MR said...

Colorado's conservatives should be picking their candidate now and getting ready for him in 2012. It's going to be either Perry or Gingrich and I hope it's Perry.

But either one is going to return a whole new world to statehood. We'll have our human services in our hands, our education in our hands and our immigration in our hands. The lid's going to be popped off all the regulations in the oil and gas industry and all the others we're trying to keep life breathed into.

That is all a real boom and we're not ready for it. We need to get ready. First step is looking real long and hard at every politician up for re-elect in '12. And all the new ones throwing their hats in. They won't be sitting on their hands in congress and senate and will be right here at home working a real job and living with the laws they made. Our whole state legislative system needs to be looked at to see where we can cut back. We just don't need constant governing. Make the rules, get the job done and get back to your districts where the real world lives.

Look around. If the Human Services, EPA, Dept of Eduction, TSA and a few more were eliminated tomorrow, could Colorado handle the logistics of bringing all those jobs back home? What about Congress and Senate?

Let the Tebows off the sidelines because we're all ready. The question is whether or not our infrastructure is.

Lee Mulcahy said...

Melanie Sturm by virtue of her column in the 0.01% playground has a profound influence beyond the Aspen Times.

She is lovely---we may differ on the finer points of economic theory; however, we break bread together at the local Aspen Jewish Community "temple" held at the chapel. Talk about community!

Melanie has not fully bought into the idea of Tea Party + OWS + Libertarians = a third party.

.... but she seems to be edging closer to it in this column.

A Justice Party for 2012? Are we too busy with Dancing with the Stars?

For 2016, The Bull Moose Party 2.0?

Headed to Prague and Berlin after NYE for occupation-themed art exhibitions [in Prague, with the Czech Baroque Foundation & in Berlin, in the Berlin Gallery District] with my 1% friend, "Vera Smith," from Miami-on facebook! Friend her! She was the one took me to the all the VIP rooms at Art Basel -- and then help set up for Occupy Gspot Art Project---funny photos at occupyaspen.

Look I get the fact that what we're protesting about [freedom of expression, labor rights] are 1st world; but my family is involved in bringing water wells to the rift valley in kenya hands-on. please join us at