December 7, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News "The public safety reason for urine drug testing"

Thomas L. Kurt, MD, MPH, Medical Toxicologist, FACPM, FAACT, FCP, FACOEM, FAHA, FACE writes in to the Aspen Daily News with a few words weighing in on the Skico reinstating their drug testing policy.

You's the thing about that.

Does it really matter what level shows up in an employee who is operating major equipment capable of killing and maiming guests (or) an employee cruising the slopes as an instructer leaving a permanent impression on guests (or) a patrol first responder, search and rescue or any other position of trust?

Isn't the point:  drug free?  Or maybe the point is that guests want to feel completely safe and secure and we shouldn't even be having a discussion on acceptable levels of any drug use at Skico. 

(Read the letter?  Click title.  Comment to discuss)
"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

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