December 13, 2011

SandBox Comments: Red State "The Omnibus: 3 x 24 = 72 "

Good grief.

Hey, that half-time congress and senate thing is sounding better day, isn't it?

"The House is set to pass a trillion dollar spending bill. Sources say we can expect the bill to be posted online sometime close to midnight tonight. I have no doubt that the bill will include all kinds of hidden earmarks and spending gimmicks. But the clever bill writers will make these hard to find. This is why it is so important that the public and Members of Congress have a chance to read the bill before it comes to the House floor.

In the much ballyhooed Pledge to Nowhere, the House promised to post all bills online for three days prior to consideration.

Jo Maney of House Rules Committee clarified that three days does not mean 72 hours. According to my math, 3 x 24 = 72. But thanks for the clarification...."
(Erick Erickson)

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1 comment:

gws44 said...

There is just no way conservatives can allow anyone but Rick Perry to win the race to the White House.

Gingrich is the only other one who might get close but if elected he will never have the cajones to strip congress and senate down, repeal, remove and shut-down what immediately needs to happen. Nobody but Perry can do that.

Then we're looking at secure borders after a year of uproot to everything that needs to be done.

The next three years spent really putting reform in place and educating the states how to self-govern.

Perry's second term would be just as much hard work and it wouldn't be until his third term that we really settle in and reap no debt, balanced budget, secure borders and statehood.

We cannot afford to put anyone but Perry in office. Reading this GOP Pledge to Nowhere is almost enough to make a body cry.