January 15, 2012

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News "Time to man up"

We couldn't agree more.

One of the men on Aspen City Council needs to put Mick Ireland in his place.  The next time, anytime that he pulls these rants and tantrums.  

For  the sake of the city, if nothing else.  Enough is enough.


Television’s “Jersey Shore” has nothing on the reality show we know as the Aspen City Council, as evidenced by Monday’s meeting.

But first I want to talk about Theatre Aspen and their naked girders. My suggestion is to team up with the Aspen Art Museum and turn the site into an outdoor winter sculpture garden, incorporating the girders as display elements. It could be fabulous.

Now back to the reality show.

While I truly appreciate that “Mick the mayor” (a great name for the lead character of our show) apologized for the length of his rant, he needed to apologize for the content. It was embarrassing.

The council looked dysfunctional and Mick reminded me of an out-of-control Rush Limbaugh. Why no one tried to cut him off baffles me.

Let’s review what happened...."
(Andrew Kole)

(Read more?  Are you sure you want to hear it?  You need to, unfortunately.  Click title.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mick Ireland is not harmless. Someday, he will be out of office and the people of Aspen will realize that. Thank heaven, it is Mick's last term. Please do not elect him again to anything.