January 24, 2012

SandBox Comments: Summit Daily News/Morgan Liddick "Our sad education stats"

 Morgan Liddick:

“No longer is it acceptable to hide poor performance. No longer is it acceptable to keep results from parents …” Unless you are Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet, who seems to have no problem with either.

Some might recognize the quote as part of President George W. Bush's statement on signing the “No Child Left Behind” act, in effect for 10 years. A revamped version of the act should have been approved by Congress last year, but partisan bickering held it up. Now that an election looms, there are two chances for meaningful action to monitor and improve our educational systems: slim and none...."

One of the plus side traits of Newt Gingrich is that he's a masterful strategist.  Give Newt a bargaining chip and fodder for the stump that will shine on his personal cause and you just might get what you want out of that chip.

In the cause for education reform, Colorado conservatives  lean pretty strongly  to eliminating any federal involvement and returning all things public education back to Colorado.

They're all waiting around to see if Newt gets enough traction to win the nomination.  If he does, count on it that at least conservative Coloradans are going to be looking for ways to fire up Newt on the education front.

Great column from one of the most respected opinion columnists in Colorado.  Morgan Liddick.  Over and up on the Summit Daily News.

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