January 24, 2012

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent "Garfield County restates goals in new manager search"

At least there is the word "restates" in the header.

The recent giant expose' of the GarCo BOCC by local media seems to now be complete.

See related story here.

In addition to repeating, for the sake of front page and viral link bait marketing of their output  by Swift Communications and  their GSPI, what our BOCC had already publicly stated  in casual output regarding their county manager requirements; stealth reporters with unlimited ink supplies have also milked a second viral ready article from Mr. Stroud today on the 'subterfuge' of our BOCC:

"Garfield commissioners commit to more openness in county government"

There is one bit of true news in all this.

After literally years now of complaints, the county is finally updating the audio recording equipment that records all of their meetings for public access.

Thanks, GarCo commissioners!

(Read the articles?  Click title and link within post.  In the interest of a maintaining some kind of level field, now that folks are finally getting one; comment ability is blocked  on this one.  SandBox Commentators.  We spin, their spin, so you will stay thinking on your own.)

"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."