February 24, 2012

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News/Letter to the Editor "The magic of 'hello'"

Cole Langford:
"A friend recently remarked to me that I seemed to know a lot of people. He and I often walked together to grab lunch or head to the gym on our college campus. He observed that in the course of many strolls I often waved to someone or threw a quick hello in the direction of a passerby.

After his remark I quickly answered, “It’s the magic of saying hello.” He considered my theory, but his facial expression told me he didn’t grasp my meaning. The topic quickly faded and we moved on to other casual topics of conversation.

For the rest of the day my words lingered on my conscious. “It’s the magic of saying hello.” My words continued to provoke my reflection. Finally it occurred to me that I had unintentionally discovered a powerful aphorism. “It’s the magic of saying hello.” Wow.

Too many people, especially my generation, are buried in their technology. Everyone is hidden behind large sunglasses, deafened by ear-buds, and distracted by their iPhones. Facebook is a usual culprit. What about the faces on the bus? What about the faces passing on the sidewalk? Have we replaced those real faces with an electronic counterpart? It seems we have. I am not the overbearing social person. In fact, I may be on the upper end of introverted. Yet I know the power of “hello,” and I use it all the time...." (Read more? Click title)

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