February 24, 2012

SandBox Comments: Boston Herald "Two Americas indeed"

Michael Graham:
"I am the 50.5 percent.

I am, according to the Heritage Foundation, part of the lucky half of Americans who pay federal income taxes, so that the other half (technically the remaining 49.5 percent) can pay nothing.

Half of us are paying the whole bill. Somehow that doesn’t seem fair. Folks like Elizabeth Warren and President Barack Obama agree. They think we should pay more.

We’re used to that, we 50.5 percenters. Every time a new “stimulus” is announced, every time a new government program to solve all our problems is rolled out, we know that a) the problems aren’t going anywhere; and b) we’ll be stuck paying the check.

And every time there’s talk of a tax “cut” or a “rebate,” we assume it will be set up so that, somehow, the people who actually pay in get left out.

But what can you do, right? If you’re a 50.5 percenter you just get up, go to work, try to take care of your family and hope that someone, somewhere in Washington or on Beacon Hill is getting your back.

They’re not.

Why should they? We’re barely half of the population. Politicians count votes — not pay stubs.

Back in the evil days of Ronald Reagan, a mere 15 percent of the population didn’t pay taxes (or in the case of children, were claimed as a dependent by a taxpayer). Back then, we had lower rates and more payers. More people in the ship of state together, sharing in the rowing. We working taxpayers mattered.

Today, thanks to the “food stamp president,” as Newt Gingrich calls him, the number of non-payers is 300 percent bigger, and a record number of Americans, one in five, now receives some level of federal government assistance...." (Read more? Click title)

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

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