February 10, 2012

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times "Skico backs employee"

Maybe the phrase "intensely dislike" is better to use than the word "hate".

Locals "intensely dislike" the way the Aspen Times is attempting to bring back commentary in their hub.  So much so, they continue to boycott and ignore the Times.

But every now and again, there comes a topic they are so passionate over; they step in and make sure that spin is straightened out and truth is seen.

Does Aspen Skico do good things for the community? Of course.

Do they still prey on the same communities as they line their bank accounts?  Of course.

That is the enigma of the Aspen Ski Corp.  Is it "vulture capitalism"?  Some think so.  Are their actions misleading? Maybe.  No one can argue with their actions showing in the public eye as blurred and lacking in transparency.

Will the Aspen Ski Corp ever again enjoy unbridled freedom to do as they wish in the Roaring Fork Valley?

Not if the communities within that valley have anything to say about it.

"Intensely dislike" local media's attempts to censor, or no.

Click title to read Mongo's Letter to the Editor today.  Up on the Aspen Times.

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

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