February 6, 2012

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times/Letters to the Editor "Unfair treatment by Skico"

See related stories here and here)
"Dear Editor:

It is unfair that Lee Mulcahy, after a year, is still banned from all Aspen Skiing Co. properties, including restaurants, lodges, the four mountains that Skico leases from the Forest Service, etc. Lee's crime, for which he was also fired after 14 years of service, was to protest low, unfair wages for beginning employees (about $69 per day). A lift ticket for a day is $108. He also brought up unionization.

Just like Occupy Wall Street protesters, Lee had to be crushed by a greedy corporation with the cooperation of a compliant legal system. It is clear that government works to protect corporations. Meanwhile Aspen builds employee housing, at taxpayer expense, to subsidize Skico so it can continue to pay low wages.

It is time that Skico officials lifted the ban on Mulcahy so he can ski Aspen's mountains and socialize with his friends on Skico properties. He is a great person who had the courage to speak out when he saw injustice.
(Cathleen Krahe, Missouri Heights)

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

1 comment:

lee mulcahy phd said...

I love my community and I appreciate all the support they give me. The "enlightened elites" look down on us little people as white trash, as peasants. So what? I'm proud to be white trash. [The Crowns believe only a WT redneck would pass out flyers @ a five star hotel but I went to school @ the Sorbonne & what I did was straight out of an art history textbook.] FYI, I tried internally for months and all they did was bully me. Aspen is only 6000 people. The point of community is that we may disagree on many things but we break bread together without resulting to "walls" and bans: The ban from 1/3 of my town [including leased public lands and national forest under the control of the powerful and mighty billionaire Crown family of Chicago under "threat of arrest" for passing out a flyer pointing out their hypocrisy is beyond hilarious.... The elites don't care about peons like you and me. The Crowns live 4 blocks from the house I am building. Their idea, their message to their 3500 employees in Aspen is that public lands--the 4 ski areas-- can be used to silence free speech. Struggles are historical and the underdog often does not win; but as Thomas Jefferson said ---freedom is worth fighting for. As my good friend Baylor Alum Kathy Kathy White Vaughan says --in the end, little people will benefit.