February 29, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Glenwood Springs Post Independent/Your Letters "Battle pitting farm vs. asphalt plant is hurting economy"

(See related story here)

Commissioner Samson had the best approach to solve the problem.

Commissioners Jankovsky and Martin, fresh off recent and scathing public commentary over  a couple of local issues make a very poor for the highest interests of everyone involved 'political' call and attempt to soothe activists using fear-mongering and bullying tactics.

As precarious as Martin's seat is and as close as he is being watched by conservatives in GarCo, one would think he would stay focused on the job.  This move will surely backfire on him in the political eye he needs.

Thank you goes out to Commissioner Mike Samson for simply resorting to common sense.

Great letter today from Damian Ellsworth of Rifle, Colorado:

"..With all of the knowledge and information that everyone has access to, it is a shame that people would rather rely on fear mongering and terrorism than actual data. All of the slanderous emails that are flying around and erroneous statements in the paper are pitting two much-needed industries against each other, which is doing nothing but hurting this economy on a local level.

Maybe one day, the activists will wake up and realize that all of this nonsense really just wasted everybody's time, including yours and mine.

The staff at the Garfield County Building and Planning department do an excellent job with countless hours of research. Nobody could possibly understand how much they work until they have been through this process themselves....."  (Read the rest? Click title)

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

1 comment:

mack said...

Samson did have the right approach. Took care of both sides.

Martin's just showing that double step he does so well. John's a good commissioner in a lot of ways but it is true that over the years he's grown pretty lax in keeping his finger on the pulse of the county. All that longevity made him lax.

It's a new political world out here, John and Garco republicans are not going to be able to save you or give you a coast in ride this time. They're outnumbered by conservatives who've had a bellyful of a local GOP that just keeps putting the good ol' boys club in the spotlight. You'd think they would have learned at mid-terms over the McInnis debacle and Lou barely scraping it in.

Times have changed and this kind of bogus display is not going to cut it. On a side note, buddying with Jankovsky is probably a pretty bad idea.