March 11, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Aspen Daily News/Letter to the Editor " Aspen boycott"

Mark Thomas, Hood River, Oregon:

Presumably, ACRA’s job is to help the business community in Aspen thrive. But by paying dues to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, is does just the opposite, because the U.S. Chamber actively works to prevent a fix on climate, which the city’s own research says threatens the economy. There’s another problem though; people don’t want to visit a town that’s unethical and hypocritical. I used to live in the valley and love Aspen, but I can and will plan my next ski vacation in Steamboat Springs, which is not a member of the U.S. Chamber and seems to be doing just fine. Would a boycott be good for Aspen’s businesses? Does Steamboat’s chamber know something Aspen doesn’t?..."  (Read  the original?  Click title)

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