March 11, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Daily Star "Poker champ Brit is facing murder rap"

Update May 1, 2012:
Update March 13, 2012:  Viral links growing from origin of the interview Sunday, March 11, 2012 on the UK's Daily Star:,-EPL-Analysis-Mickey-Petersen-Speaks_57472/
Update March 12, 2012:  Viral link originating from the Daily Star:
Original Post March 11, 2012:
Disclaimer #1:  Now that DA Beeson has thrown his hat in the ring for district attorney in the 9th, please take note that there will be no special treatment given to any news press surrounding his race. His articles, if they are SandBox worthy or chosen in the daily agg run-up; will be put up just like anyone else in a political race. What SandBox Commentators will continue to do, is heavily moderate his articles. We are the only news media that provides the courtesy of moderating commentary from the general public on 9th Judicial District and Mr. Beeson's articles. )

Disclaimer #2:  During the London visits of GarCo Sheriff and 9th Judicial in 2010 and 2011, this blog was the target of malicious attacks on us, GarCo Sheriff, Marcus Bebb-Jones.  A few of those attackers are known as individuals who had an agenda to attempt to sway local judicial cases and were turned to authorities. Please note that this post and all posts on Bebb-Jones are heavily moderated by SandBox with the end result being that if any of those individuals show up again on one of our sites, you will be turned over to the same authorities as you were in the past.

Lee Sorrell:
"...Colorado District Attorney Martin Beeson told the Daily Star Sunday: “The purpose of a preliminary hearing is to demonstrate to the court that there is sufficient evidence to bind the case over for trial.

“Assuming the judge binds the case over for trial it must be held within 180 days of the defendant entering his plea.

“He has not yet been required to enter a plea but will probably be required to do so soon after the prelim is completed.”

According to court documents, on September 16, 1997, Bebb-Jones and wife Sabrina rowed about his flirting with guests staying at their Melrose Hotel in Grand Junction, Colorado.

Bebb-Jones is then alleged to have told investigators the couple went off to the nearby Dinosaur National Monument but had another argument and she fled.

She was reported missing by a hotel worker two days later.

By then Bebb-Jones had headed to Las Vegas with his three-year- old son.

Prosecutors claim he lived the high life in the party city, booking into various hotels, borrowing money at casinos and putting more than £3,500 on his credit card in a matter of days.

He is alleged to have told a friend he had rented a Ferrari and hired prostitutes as he wanted to “go out in style”.

The prosecution claim that at the end of his bender he booked himself another hotel, put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger but survived...."  (Read more?  Click title)

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."


ebd said...

If Martin is going to continue to insist on trying his high-profile cases in the media, it is suggested that he choose standard mainstream outlets rather than this ongoing push to display case posture in the seedy realms of the internet.

The definition of a preliminary hearing is literal in interpretation here in Colorado.

The spirit of law regarding preliminary hearings is to protect the integrity of all involved and primarily our courts.

Local public defenders are to be highly commended for bringing the Bebb-Jones case to preliminary status. Here's to justice for all, regardless of media coverage.

"The preliminary hearing is a screening device to afford the defendant an opportunity to challenge the sufficiency of the prosecution's evidence to establish probable cause before an impartial judge. As a screening device, the preliminary hearing is designed to weed out groundless or unsupported charges and insures that the prosecution can at least sustain the burden of proving probable cause. It protects the accused by avoiding an embarrassing, costly and unnecessary trial and it benefits the interests of judicial economy and efficiency. At a preliminary hearing, the prosecution has the burden of presenting enough evidence to the judge to establish to the satisfaction of the judge that there is probable cause to believe the defendant committed the crime. Probable cause is established when the evidence is sufficient to induce a person of ordinary prudence and caution conscientiously to entertain a reasonable belief that the defendant may have committed the crime charged. If the court is satisfied that probable cause exists, the court will bind over the case for arraignment. If the court is not persuaded that probable cause exists, the court will dismiss the case."

mack said...

I'll run with you on that one, ebd.

Pretty hard to have respect at all for a DA that either lets his investigations be run on the internet or his cases tried in the media. Why bother with going to the UK and a girly sleaze rag like the Daily Star when all he has to do is stay right here at home on the PI?

Are there any laws about this kind of investigating style and prosecuting style? Voters minds want to know.

For your comment on the other post that's all well and good. Local lawyers shouldn't be thinking that voters out here aren't appreciative of the commitment. The problem we have is that we don't get a choice when you all don't step up to run. Set aside how d*** sick and tired we are of listening to Beeson's self-aggrandizing this is the most powerful elected seat in the counties we live in and it takes being a lawyer to get the job. It is up to the district's legal community and somebody needs to challenge this guy.

WingMan said...

Very hard to respect a district attorney that pumps out interviews to something like this UK sleaze rag that p**mps out women and shows the worst of what is really a highly respected industry of professional poker. Beeson's proven he's literate when it comes to the internet and knows perfectly well his interview is going to mushroom forever and fast on the web with that kind of virus. Same as the press and ink ops Mordkin gets off Sheen and Mueller. It's too bad Bebb-Jones has this added on that he doesn't need right now but what I care about is the money Beeson's wasting of taxpayers by pulling this kind of thing. He knows what Lou goes through in the PR of this kind of c*** and he should know how bad it makes us look in our district. For God's sake, show some respect for the people he serves. Put up just one candidate and it can be a democrat even. Hands down Martin Beeson will be going down the road in this election.

beeson anonymous said...

This is the same kind of garbage on Bebb Jones as it was when Lou was in his last election. Can we at least show some respect for the cops on this case, DA Beeson?

Or is it just the taxpayers footing the bill for this whole case that you have it out for?

You've got to realize that giving these kinds of interviews and press releases is not in anybody's best interests?

By all means, ebd. Encourage somebody to run against this guy and let's move on. I just hope if the case does move ahead that it does that without any more of this.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
mack said...

lou's people do the best work in the district and they would've brought out a good case or else lou wouldn't have let them take it to charges. all this from beeson in the courtroom so far, this press release and all the hundreds of them over the past 3 years from beeson can only go to one conclusion. this isn't about respect for the case this is about beeson's ambitions. if it was just one case instead of dozens that have this same theme a person could figure they have a da that's got his heart into being a prosecutor. nobody can look at beeson's record and see it for anything other than what it is. martin saw a fast ladder to the top politically and lost that. now it's about political redemption with what looks like anything goes. retract this release off the daily star and give no more press releases so that nobody gets hurt any further. after that, if we don't get somebody to commit to 8 yrs then seriously consider turning in your prosecutor badge.

SandBoxBlogs said...

'Anonymous', you were taken down because you were simply too personal in your comment toward District Attorney Beeson.

Stay on point with either the articles themselves (or) with the political aspects of his current race and record. Nothing else will be tolerated.

Anonymous said...

Ever since Bundy jumped out of the window we haven't been able to escape what the crazies and the famous do to us when they get in trouble and hit the headlines. The difference between Brooke Mueller's sweet plea deal up in Aspen today and Marcus Bebb-Jones is that Bebb-Jones was made famous by Martin Beeson using the press and the internet like he does. This man is a father. To a son that has already lost one parent and from anybody with half a memory of that parent lost knows he led a pretty unstable childhood. Sabrina Bebb-Jones was not a stellar reputed woman. My point is that if they really had the teeth to arrest then an arrest would have been made. Until Beeson, we could count on that from our DA's and cops. If they didn't have the horses they wouldn't charge until they did. We don't use our good reputations in our district or spend our taxpayer dollars on 90/10 circumstantial cases and we have enough crazies and famous in Aspen and Vail to give us world recognition on the internet. Marcus Bebb-Jones, even if guilty, doesn't deserve this. Somebody, please.

Run against Martin Beeson.

SandBoxBlogs said...

Now that Marcus Bebb-Jones has been bound over for trial, comment ability on this post is closed.