March 19, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Aspen Daily News/Letter to the Editor "Our rights, their jobs"

Here's to the little guy.

Let Freedom ring.

Donald Theiss, Aspen:

I know we all want some of the same things and I’m sure we all have different ideas about how to achieve what we want, but I do think that we share some things. And that is what I want us to talk about, with the intention of getting clear in our thinking and understanding of what the most important issues are and what we want to do to influence how our government is functioning, in relationship to us, the citizens of this country, and to our inalienable right to live freely, in our expression and in the pursuit of our own happiness. We share these with the expectation that our leaders protect us in our rights as they have sworn to do.

As it says in our Constitution, our government has, as it’s primary function, to protect and defend us, in our inalienable right, to be free and to pursue our happiness.

To me, this is the essence of being a free person and is the mandate of our president, our senators, our representatives, our judges, our military and our law enforcement officers.

When we take this oath of office, we swear to protect and defend our Constitution and the inalienable rights we all share. That is what I want from my president, my senators, my representatives, my judges, my soldiers, and my law enforcement officers.

We have a right to demand this of our representatives and I now bring this grievance to my leaders, asking each of you to uphold your oath of office and to act in accordance with our Constitution.

I add my voice to all of you in asking for our leaders to do the right thing, the inalienable right thing, the Constitutional thing, the lawful thing, and to use your power of office to protect and defend us in our inalienable right to be free and safe and protected in our expression of these rights.

I ask that each of you do your job and fulfill your oath of office...."

(Read the original letter?  Click title)

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

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