March 19, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Delta County Independent "BLM’s preliminary EA disappoints oil and gas opponents in North Fork "

Ok, everyone.  Please do not flood the email contact box with your views of 'Nanny' going off-topic on her related links within this post.

First, because she's the boss and if she wants to go off-topic, she can.

Second, there is a relevant point and reason for the wide spread of links.  No, Bill Koch (to our current knowledge) is not going to be out there buying up all these leases at auction. (He probably should though, he does have momentum going and it's a worthwhile for all American energy independence if he does.  Besides, the North Fork enviro groups couldn't like him any less than they already do, now could they?  Sheesh.  And they've probably never even met the guy in person.)  There are dozens of links to specific to these leases stories she could have chosen.  So, google away on your own to find those.

That point is that it doesn't matter who it is.  Doesn't matter how environmentally conscious these drilling companies are.  Doesn't mean a thing how much vetting and regulatory guidelines are put on to their drilling activities.

These kinds of enviro 'terrorist' tactics and groups are going to believe what they wish to believe, could care less what the facts really are and have already made up their minds.  All they can hope to do is get in front of microphones and cameras.  Without a thought or care for who they hurt during their 5 minutes of fame. 

A special thank you goes out to the BLM.  SandBox is sure you'll handle the sale of these leases in a conscientious manner.

(See related stories here, herehere, here, here and here

Kathy Browning:
"If the expectation was that following the initial comment period, BLM would remove all or most of the parcels from its oil and gas lease auction in August, it was dashed last Wednesday with the release of the BLM's preliminary Environment Assessment.

The BLM intends to go ahead with the August auction.

Parcels in municipal watersheds or bordering schools and homes appear to be intact. Some parcels have been trimmed and one was removed.

"The only realistic way to stop oil and gas development now is through litigation," said one disappointed North Fork Valley resident. However, both BLM and Citizens for a Healthy Committee are urging the public to send more comments...."  (Read more?  Click title)

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

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