March 9, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Aspen Times/Letters to the Editor "Who needs meetings?"

Maurice Emmer, Aspen:
"Dear Editor:

Aspen is a progressive city. Now it has discovered the most progressive approach yet to city government.

It appears that our councilmen have already made a decision on an upcoming item for the March 12 meeting (overturning Ordnance 30 or bringing it to a public vote) one week early! And without the messy distractions of a meeting, public discussion and a public vote (see Aspen Daily News, March 5).

I applaud the council for expediting the process and would like to suggest that they do this from now on for every agenda item. In fact, who needs agendas? Gone are the four- to five-hour council meetings with tiresome presentations and endless musings by the mayor about threats to his idyllic vision of Aspen from all manner of selfish capitalists. With this new, expedited approach, council meetings could be done and over with in a matter of minutes.

Better yet, just cancel the meetings altogether and have Grassroots televise our great leader every other Monday at 5 announcing the new rules, guidelines and public projects that have already been passed and implemented...."  (Read original letter?  Click title)
"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

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