April 20, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: KDNK "EnCana Engineer Fills CDale Trustees in on Fracking"

The trickle down effect.  Or, possibly also the trickle up results.

Much emphasis these days on hard and soft corruption, the drug 'war', illegal immigration enforcement, reforms, civil disobedience, bullies, power abuse, economic equality in the business and work force.  So many ways to pick up the morning news, in every part of the nation, and feel discouraged on one hand while cautiously optimistic on the other.

Is that the way it has 'always been'?  In some ways, I think so.  The question at this point in time is 'why' are all of these things coming into focus for so many along with increasing clarity that they really are all linked together?

When you look back historically and see the epochal moments that have altered the course we all have stayed as a collective whole, it is not difficult to notice that a major event of some kind and often a series of major events, have brought a collective need to personally reassess the common grounds we all share. 

Common ground that is not about the politics and other mechanisms we all use to propel our lives and others forward.  My reference is to the common ground of the need for shelter, sustenance, relationships and all of those things that bring us all in the end, to the heart of the matter.

One of the thoughts I personally have on cause and effect types of common ground, is that the birth of 24/7 news cycles and juggernaut rising of communications technology,  is responsible for the vast majority of modern day effects on the folks lives. 

That the trouble is, those news cycles and technological advancements have risen to 90% artificial foundation that has no human connection once it leaves the keyboard. 

The salvation of the 24/7 news cycle, in my view, lies in Independent Media and human beings with certain skill sets such as writing, connecting through words and analytical analysis of the old gum-shoe variety.  These are human beings out here and the trickle down effect rules all here in the real world.

The Great Recession is one such event.  9/11 before that. The folks reached out their arms and gathered their most dear back in back in 2001.  Reminded themselves that we are dependent on survival first and foremost.  And that we need heroes sometimes. The 'gift' of 9/11, lay in part as that reminder.

The recession slammed a tsunami of awareness that the things we hold as materially secure can be ripped from us at the hand of others in the blink of an eye.  The common ground shared with the event of 9/11 is the reminder that first and foremost we are survival oriented and sometimes, we need heroes to help us.

Tortuous interference and unjust enrichment take many forms.  Within law, the gamut can run from loss of life and what that person could have been 'worth' in legal value.  A brutally cold legal formula that is used in civil action for wrongful death.  It can be seen in business and contractual law.  Even flow over into criminal law if the enrichment gained by a wrongful act meets certain legal standards.

Where should the common  man look to, in their own small nucleus of the world, to see how they should be dealing with all these cause and effect movements?  That in all ways we ultimately are all dependent upon?  Or, why look at all?  Why pay attention?

The answer to that one is that we always can choose to be the collateral damage to an effect.  Pretty easy way to live, just rolling with the punches.  Or we can hold the circled wagons together and just wait for a lighter storm to roll in while we weather the tsunami.  Or we can choose to be awake and aware so that we can play the role we choose in the cause of the effects.

Here's a thought.  Possibly even alter the effect of harm brought to our family, friends, loved ones and community.

The latest flap about land leases is not about fracking.  Technology in oil and gas industries.  Water rights, price of gas or even jobs.

Where the entire problem lies, is in communication and the individual choice on whether or not to play a role in active participation.  Here's another thought.  How tough is it to be alert and attentive and reach for direct source information instead of filtered through third party?  As easy as clicking the title above and listening to the trusted podcast of KDNK rather than picking up still yet another shuck and jive dance on the energy industry over here on the GSPI.   

Today, let's listen to some of the actual statements, directly from EnCana as presented to the Carbondale Trustees. 

Maybe even do some private thinking on the ways all of our lives intertwine with each other.  What one person might accomplish if they just decided their time had come to be their very own version of a hero.  Kinda like the KDNK guys today.  Maybe even the EnCana guys.  Each of them offering themselves as direct  source.

Who knew it could be so easy as clicking on a podcast?  win win.

"Carbondale trustees got a visit from EnCana Corporation Tuesday night, when an engineer and a stakeholder relations advisor gave a presentation on hydraulic fracturing.

EnCana is one of the largest natural gas operators in the country, and here in Garfield County, they're a major player in the extraction of natural gas. Last night, engineer Mark Balderston assured the board that because of the use of best practices when it comes to safety, they're in control of the "whole situation, all the time"....."  (Read more?  Click title)

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

1 comment:

hot mama said...

Listening to EnCana sure gives an entirely different perspective than what was reported in the PI. No surprise there. Why doesn’t someone just start up another press or bring an ethical and competent one in to town by branching out for elsewhere?