September 27, 2011

SandBox Comments: Summit County Citizens Voice "Skiing: Monarch Mountain’s season pass goes global"

What a fantastic tourism marketing idea!

Avatars in commentary have been asking for years, for a similar concept to be created in our regional tourism marketing.

Imagine the smaller resorts such as Sunlight and Powderhorn joining resources with a combined pass. 

Now imagine the big boys like Vail, Aspen and Telluride throwing in some killer deals for their slower times.

Combined ski passes.

Heckuva idea.  So glad the 'kids' thought of it years ago and have pushed it ever since.  Primarily because it's a great way for families to be able to take mini-vacations in the area.

Good wishes to Monarch Mountain as they take the idea global.

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."


gws44, member smalltown7 said...

This concept has always had so many endless possibilities.

For the smaller resorts, locals and families with younger children it could open the door to weekend family trips that are usually out of reach otherwise.

Golf courses have done this for years. Open the door to regional courses that only a specially purchased pass can get into deals and discounts.

This concept solves the entire problem of whether or not to have lowered prices and high prices with value. They're like gift cards that people buy for gifts and then they often either don't get redeemed or a number of weekends/packages don't get used. But the merchant already has the sale of the amount of the gift card. In the retail world, it's a billion dollar plus industry annually.

Why, are we sitting in at least a 60% quicksand hole here in Glenwood Springs, listening to a marketing presentation's current claim to credibility being a youtube link to a comic geese video? Or Bert on a swing so we can hawk up business for one attraction? Or better yet, the upcoming Glen Wood. We need money, not talk and maybes. Putting together an affordable gift card that would even sell for $50 that offers hundreds of dollars in real worth like steep discounting in all of our hotels and restaurants and attractions. If you sold 200 of them that's $8,000 bucks.

Repays most of the fireworks. How long would it take to make up a few thousand credit card style cards? How much could something like that possibly cost? Probably peanuts. Take it out of Kate's salary we paid for and never got back.

Sunlight could do their own with other ski resorts. Pay for it themselves.

The attractions guys could get together with all other attraction industry in Colorado and do the same. Pay for it themselves.

Wake...up...council. For god's sake. Wake up.

mack said...

44, that's one of the simplest revolving cash flow ideas that's been brought up.

Why aren't we doing this? Making it a class act presentation and sell? Endless ways it could go and cost next to nothing to produce. Sell the things online. Make Sunlight do their own and make Beckley and the attractions guys do their own. Tie themselves to Elitch's and sporting events.

think the first time I heard this idea was about 6 years ago. What's it take to get heard in this town? People have to repeat themselves over and over again? Or is the problem really because our city admin doesn't listen and has a major disconnect in the communications arena?

No wonder nobody listens to you anymore. Come to think of it. Don't we hire a marketing vendor to come up with these things and then bring them to you for implementing? Or is that going to fall into the job description of the new ad agency the chamber vendor has us paying for now to help teach them how to be a marketing vendor as good as everybody else has?


Folks, go tell Sunlight to get on the horn and do something like this on their own. Go hit up Beckley and tell him to pay his own way in putting something like this together. Do some research, get off the dime.