October 6, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Daily News/Letter to the Editor " What is there to hide?"

"Well, here we go again. The City Council of Aspen has decided to appeal the ballot ruling. This is predictable and comical. What has become Aspen’s ultimate urination contest (this is a family newspaper) is back and swinging. Mayor Mick and city attorney John Worchester have persuaded the council members to use the tax payers money to appeal this ruling, either to get back at Marilyn Marks or to hide what could be an embarrassing and/or possibly a sinister situation.

The city could just walk away from the Colorado Court of Appeals decision, let Marks get her peak and be done with all this (that is of course if she doesn’t find something). I believe the city is hiding something. Why make this appeal? Is the city guilty of wrong doing or maybe they have destroyed the ballots?

The city has expended tax dollars in the original appeal and had to pay Mark’s attorney fees due their loss. Now they are going to spend more tax dollars and if they lose this round or the Colorado Supreme Court decides not to hear the case, the city will be out that money and will most likely have to pay Mark’s attorney fees again. Both sides have to spend money on attorneys regardless of the supreme court hearing the case or not.

Mayor Mick and the city believes that our tax dollars are their personal slush fund and this scenario is yet another example of their waste. It is time to wake up and stop this ridiculous expenditure. Lets try to spend our tax dollars on responsible projects and not wasteful boondoggles like frivolous lawsuits."
(James H. Perry )

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"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."


Anonymous said...

Mick Ireland has his entire identity wrapped up in the image of being Mayor of Aspen. He doesn't know anything else and refuses to go get a job. If it weren't costing us so much money, it would be comical.

I used to feel a twinge of compassion for the guy.

That went by the wayside when he engaged in this battle with Marks.

Marilyn Marks is right. This is about the law and Aspen will lose on appeal. One really has to wonder what they so desperately want to hide.

Lee Mulcahy said...

This may get interesting yet....it all sounds fishy.

Everyone said Mick Ireland has a lot of integrity, including me; however, what do they say about absolute power corrupting influence?

Marks had to wait for 2 years to look at the ballots? 23 votes?

It all smells bad for Mick.

The City [read big govt] is using our $ to fight Marks to step on the peoples' rights. Seriously?

glenwoodsprings22 said...

It's really not about individual integrity or wrong-doing. None of these issues are. There are some of the local really big problems that do have a culprit or few really doing things that cross the legal lines. But things like this with Marks and her activist stand, Milias and safe with all others in-between are about the consequences that happen to real lives when blind power doesn't do their job.

Lee's dead on that it's about the influence that abused power has.

This area is so bad in the decay effect that abused power has had, we are near to ranking right up there with DC and Wall Street. It's unbelievable the influence that has reached the point of following a strong corrosive influence.

Sometimes I look at public info, minutes, videos and news and comments and think that our leaders have got to be sound sleep walking to follow and go along with this stuff.

Quite awhile back I read a comment that kept repeating that none of us have "advanced past the halls of high school". Think about it.

This appeal is dead in the water right out of the gate and the money shouldn't be spent. There is no principle standing that champions some vague morality for the folks. Read the laws.

Marks is right and Aspen will lose again. I say she should go all out and nail their butts to the wall in City Hall. And make it cost a lot of change out of the deep pocket of big money. More publicity the better at this point because this one has sweeping precedents for election reform nationwide.

How much more stupid the City of Aspen can be remains yet to be seen. It smells all right.