October 26, 2011

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times/Letter to the Editor "Meet the art police"

Making it's way into today's 'Crime and Courts' section of SandBox Commentators is the stunningly bold criminal act that occurred this past week at The Aspen Art Museum.

Shocking that this kind of major  crime has hit Aspen, Colorado.

Is this the beginning of our seeing another side to paradise?

What could possibly be next?  Obviously, this crime wave is tied to the 99%. We can only assume the worst given the strength in numbers.

If this wasn't so sad, it  would be amusing.

(Learn more?  Click title and comment to start discussion)
"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

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