October 26, 2011

SandBox Comments: Glenwood Springs Post Independent "BOCC endorses Thompson unitization request"

Aagghhh.....(SandBox Nanny)....sigh....rolls eyes.....

John Colson:  "Federal land managers should move ahead with a “unitization” request for natural gas leases in the Thompson Divide area, no matter what Colorado's two U.S. senators have to say on the subject, say the Garfield Board of County Commissioners (BOCC)...."

Maybe because it's not political and the majority of Garfield County do not appreciate the bullying tactics of the groups trying to block? 

Or, maybe because people in the region have become more confident in speaking out?

GarCo BOCC is finally hearing their voices and responding to more balanced community needs?

John Colson:  "Udall and Bennet have asked that the unitization request be opened up to public involvement, while the industry believes it should remain an administrative decision made by officials in the BLM."

Thanks to Scott Tipton (R-Colorado) the public does have a major voice with open talks on Thompson Divide.

You remember him, Mr. Colson? 

Our Third District Congressman?

The folks are sure glad he's around.

After all, The Thompson Divide Coalition, Senator Mark Udall (D-Colorado) and Senator Michael Bennet (D-Colorado) have never held any kind of public meeting that was not heavily seeded to anti-industry.

(Learn more?  Click title and comment to start discussion)
"Truth goes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Then it is violently opposed.  Finally, it is seen as self-evident."

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