November 6, 2011

SandBox Comments: Tree of Mamre/John Scotus "Unemployment 9% In October"

Ah, the good 'ol days.

Remember back in Dubya's day when unemployment was only 5%?

Interesting graphs John Scotus has tossed up over on Tree of Mamre.

(Learn more?  Click title.  Comment to start discussion)
"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

1 comment:

hammerandnails said...

Barack Obama has destroyed the economy in the kind of systemic way that will take a lot more to bounce back from than anybody could predict.

We just keep moving slow, slow forward because we've got so much weight on our backs and no money.

If there's one thing Perry gets, it's money. It takes the ones that have it to open the doors for those that don't. Law of cause and effect.