December 3, 2011

SandBox Comments: Grand Junction Daily Sentinel "Public offered some ice time at new Grand Junction rink"

Richie Ann Ashcraft:

"The Grand Valley Skating Center will begin limited public skate times this weekend for people interested in learning more about what the new rink has to offer.

The outdoor rink at 1130 N. Third St. has been open to league hockey and learn-to-skate members since Nov. 19.

“It’s been a huge success so far, especially for our learn-to-skate classes,” said Curt Maki, executive director for Ice Skating Inc., the nonprofit organization that runs the rink.

Interest in public skate times has been high, said Ken Walter, president of Ice Skating Inc...."

When Grand Junction was putting together the concept of an outdoor ice rink, locals in the 81601 tourism and attractions marketing district sent out the cry for what a terrific idea that is.

The case they presented in commentary through numerous regional hubs and forums was that in Glenwood Springs we would not be as constrained as Junction because we already have an indoor ice rink over at the Community Center that serves sporting venues.

The ideas were terrific. 

Two Rivers Park could handle an outdoor venue for the general public.  Think Rockefeller Center in NY.

Tastefully done, well lit with seasonal ability.  Up on the I-70 side so that it would be visible to passing traffic year-round.  Lots of parking and space for events, even if the city and county ever get off the dime and implement even a few of the suggestions for improving Two Rivers Park into revenue generating venues.

And here's the funny thing.

The whole thing could be paid for with lottery proceeds that fund Parks and Rec.

How did the sitting council at the time meet the concept?  With a yawn.  How did our local newspaper  keep the voices raised and heard?  They didn't.  Instead, they blocked voices and prevented the sharing of dialog.

What a shame that locals now have another reason to head west.

Besides minor league baseball they can now afford to take the family ice-skating in a beautiful outdoor venue.

(Learn more?  Click title.  Comment to discuss)
"Truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident."

1 comment:

glenwoodsprings22 said...

This has always been one of the best ideas around.

It's so easy to pull off, too. Can be covered in the summer for roller.

It isn't just the wide ranging public offerings we could bring in some good size sport here in Colorado. Chix with Stix. Women's roller derby. If we really did it right and same time build that world class level athlete conditioning facility for year-round training we could probably get some major ice dancing and figure skating to sign on. We've got the pool right here and that makes athletic training and conditioning that more appealing for these high level athletes.

It's really always been a great idea. Talk about kicking butt and taking names. Junction's on a roll.