January 21, 2012

SandBox Comments: Steamboat Today "Local Marketing District comes under scrutiny in wake of sales tax"

Tom Ross:

"I support this very much,” Scully said. “The public/private collaboration is critical. I’d like to know, where is the money coming from and where is it going, and what is it really translating into? It’s a lot of money. To me, the key is a scorecard. To me, it seems there should be a website.”

Ken Solomon asked that the LMD board consider broadening membership to represent the entire city.

“You’re receiving 50 percent of your (public) revenues from the new tax, and my understanding is there are only 600 eligible voters who live in the LMD out of about 8,000 voters in the city,” Solomon said. “It strikes me as unfair.”

LMD legal counsel Tom Sharp told Solomon that the requirement that members of the board be registered voters who live within the boundaries of the local marketing district is decreed by state statute and that the LMD has no power to change it. He added that when the LMD was created by City Council, it had the option to make itself the board of the LMD or to create the five-member board of LMD voters.

Steamboat businessman Steve Hitchcock told the board he thinks the LMD should pursue additional air service outside the ski season.

“With the new tax coming on and collected by businesses outside the LMD, I’d like to see the LMD take on the task of summer air,” Hitchcock said.

Porter replied that summer air service is on the LMD board’s agenda. Porter added that the revenues from the new tax will first be applied for the 2012-13 ski season.

At the city’s urging, public meeting notices for the LMD board now will be posted outside City Hall, at City Market and at the post office, as well as in a vestibule outside the Chamber’s offices at 125 Anglers Drive...."

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