February 1, 2012

SandBox Comments: Aspen Times "Highway at death's door"

One really has to wonder why RFTA never, ever puts truly important issues like this that have been around for the entire history of Roaring Fork Transit ahead of cash flow bailouts, luxuries like wi-fi and busses with all the bells and whistles.

Maybe reporting the problem to the Feds who are currently holding up the millions in transit funds would cause that money to be held back until real issues are addressed.

Dawn Lamping:

"I pulled over in the turn lane, and he came to the car when it was clear the highway had no traffic. I was just holding my breath hoping the bus didn't roll around the corner at 50 mph, because I really didn't want to witness that! I told him he was walking in a bus lane, not a shoulder, and that I could give him a lift to the corner. He was completely unaware he was in a bus lane, and as I pointed it out to him, he then saw the “bus lane” printed on the pavement — which would not have been visible at all with snow on the road. He was going back to the X Games venue to wait a bit longer for his flight after checking in too early...." 
(Read more?  Click title)

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

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