April 21, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Glenwood Springs Post Independent "Council inclined to let bridge process play out"

Set aside the press coverage from one newspaper.

Set aside the awareness of the shill.

Set aside the good 'ol boys club from downtown and the power brokers from town.

Set aside the background manipulations playing all sides against the middle for self-interests gain.

Set aside the political needs of current council to try to hang on to their seats. 

All everyone needs to do, is recall that not too long ago, the Grand Avenue Bridge Project came to a decade or more head.  At that time, everyone broke open the festering wound, rattled all their sabres and stood either opining or bloviating at the podium in front of council.

The decision (and resulting public support) was that it was time.  Time to fix the problems of the bridge.  

Since that time, all the highly proficient at pushing marketing points guru's started manuevering the chess pieces.  With the predictable outcome  of everyone being back at each other's throats wanting their own special interest to alter the course.

Been here. Done this.  That is all everyone has to recall.  Carry on, CDOT.  Stay the course.  

John Stroud:
"“This is not some great conspiracy against the city,” Mayor Matt Steckler said in response to recent criticism suggesting the bridge planning effort pits CDOT's interests against those of city residents and businesses....."  (Read more?  Click title)

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

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