March 6, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: Aspen Daily News "Men of Aspen beware"

A very dark and veiled piece from Steve Skinner today.  Up on the Aspen Daily News.

Steve Skinner:
"Think your gal loves ya? Maybe, but probably not. Even your mum had some misgivings.

According to a book called, “Little White Lies, Deep Dark Secrets: The Truth about Why Women Lie,” published by St. Martin’s Press, 50 percent of women harbor “mixed feelings about mothering.” This is bad news for offspring everywhere, especially guys. Guys need their mommies. One mother confessed to author Susan Shapiro Barash that she was jealous of working women who have no children and no husbands.

Barash interviewed 500 lively, honest women and the results are unsettling to an old-fashioned guy like me.

In Aspen, we still have some highly buffed, snipped, stitched, tucked, vacuumed, pulled, pounded, pouted, enhanced, caked, massaged, acupunctured, tinctured, medicated, hair-extensioned, dyed, tanned, toned, trained, styled, clipped, polished and decked women clinging to the Barbie image that I thought we were all supposed to reject but can’t seem to shake. The hottest models are still rail thin.

But here’s a shocking surprise for you guys under the spell of the tucks, stitches, enhancements and pluckings. No matter how deeply you look into the colored contacts, you are probably looking into pools of deception..."  (Read more?  Click title)

"Unapologetically pursuing and tracking patterns within the news others make since 2010."

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